Audit committee
The audit committee of the Company comprises Dr. Horn Kee Leong, as the chairman, Mr. Kam Wai Man and Ms. Feng Li as members. The primary duties of our audit committee are, among other things, to review and supervise the financial reporting process and internal control systems of our Group. The committee will be assisted by the professional accounting firm engaged by our Group, which will conduct regular internal audits and report to the committee.
Remuneration committee
The remuneration committee of the Company comprises Ms. Feng Li as the chairman, Mr. Zongjian Cai and Mr. Kam Wai Man as members. The primary duties of our remuneration committee are, among other things, to evaluate the performance and to determine, with delegated responsibility, on the remuneration package of our Directors and senior management.
Nomination committee
The nomination committee of the Company comprises Dr. Horn Kee Leong as the chairman, Mr. Zongjian Cai, Mr. Kam Wai Man and Ms. Feng Li as members. The primary duties of our nomination committee are to nominate potential candidates for directorship, to review the nomination of directors and to make recommendations to the Board on terms of such appointment.